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LS Series Engine Manual Haynes Techbook

Au $49.95
Au $37.45

Product description

The mysteries of the versatile LS series engines are unlocked in this manual. Covering everything from engine overhaul, cylinder head selection and modification, induction and fuel systems, camshafts and valvetrain, to beefing-up the bottom end, turbo and supercharger add-ons, engine swaps and extreme builds, this Techbook will help you get the most from your LS-powered vehicle.

With a Haynes Techbook, you can do it yourself…from simple maintenance to basic repairs. Haynes writes every book based on a complete teardown of the vehicle. We learn the best ways to do a job and that makes it quicker, easier and cheaper for you. Our books have clear instructions and hundreds of photographs that show each step. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, you can save big with Haynes!

What's covered: 

LS1, LS2, LS3 Series Engine Manual Haynes Techbook
Performance Modifications, Repair & Overhaul
Covering everything from engine overhaul, cylinder head selection and modification, induction and fuel systems, camshafts and valvetrain, to beefing-up the bottom end, turbo and supercharger add-ons, engine swaps and extreme builds  
PLEASE NOTE that this manual is intended for vehicles built to US specifications. Although it is useful when the products or systems are similar to those in other markets, there may still be significant differences, especially in areas concerned with safety and emission control.

Table of contents

Chapter 1: History of the LS-Series engine
Chapter 2: Component Removal and Installation Procedures
Chapter 3: General Engine Overhaul Procedures
Chapter 4: Cylinder Heads
Chapter 5: Induction and Fuel Systems
Chapter 6: Ignition Systems and Tuning
Chapter 7: Camshafts and Valvetrain
Chapter 8: Bottom End
Chapter 9: Turbochargers and Superchargers
Chapter 10: Swapping the LS
Chapter 11: Building the LS1 for Extreme Street Duty
Chapter 12: Choosing Speed: Sourcing Performance Equipment and Services
Chapter 13: Specifications
Source List

More Details

Part number: 
8.5 x 11
Publication date: 