Hatchback, including special/limited editions.
Petrol: 1.6 litre (1595cc) and 1.8 litre (1781cc) inc. turbo Turbo-Diesel: 1.9 litre (1896cc)
Does NOT cover Quattro, S3, models with Tiptronic transmission or new A3 range introduced June 2003.
Product Details
Print Manual
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Every manual is written from hands-on experience gained from stripping down and rebuilding each vehicle in the Haynes Project Workshop. The practical step-by-step instructions and clear photos are easy to follow and provide information on maintenance, servicing, fault finding, the MoT, brakes, electrics and Haynes tips to make many tasks easier.
Digital Edition
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Digital Editions
A faithfully-reproduced digital version of the classic Haynes Manual
Haynes Manual Digital Editions are digital reproductions of the classic manuals. They have been created by scanning our archive products, allowing users instant access to unaltered original manuals online.
Access to the Digital Edition is through your Haynes.com account which is created at the time of purchase. Please note that internet access is required to view your Digital Edition. It is not a download, but all pages can be printed for offline access.