Included in the Engine Performance Haynes Techbook are these topics:
Power planning
Choosing a speed shop
Computers and chips
Ignition systems
Fuel and induction systems
Cylinder heads, camshafts. and valvetrain
Nitrous oxide, turbos and superchargers
Engine build-ups
Crate motors and engine swaps
With a Haynes Techbook, you can do it yourself…from simple maintenance to basic repairs. Haynes writes every book based on a complete teardown of the vehicle. We learn the best ways to do a job and that makes it quicker, easier and cheaper for you. Our books have clear instructions and hundreds of photographs that show each step. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, you can save big with Haynes!
--Step-by-step procedures
--Easy-to-follow photos
--Complete troubleshooting section
--Valuable short cuts
--Color spark plug diagnosis
Engine Performance for GM, Ford & Chrysler Haynes Techbook
Chapter 1: Power Planning: Matching goals. budget and driving needs
Chapter 2: Choosing Speed: Sourcing Performance equipment and services
Chapter 3: The look of speed
Chapter 4: Computers and chips
Chapter 5: High-performance ignition systems
Chapter 6: Induction: The science of deep breathing
Chapter 7: Cylinder Heads and valves
Chapter 8: Camshafts and Valvetrain
Chapter 9: The Fuel System
Chapter 10: The Exhaust System
Chapter 11: Power Adders: Juice and Boost
Chapter 12: The Bottom End: Building it to last
Chapter 13: Engine Builds: How the Pros makes big power with reliability
Chapter 14: Crates and Swaps
Chapter 15: High-performance Cooling systems
Chapter 16: Monitoring Engine Performance