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Free 14-day Online Manual trial

Free 14-day Online Manual Trial

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For a limited time, when you purchase any print version of a Haynes or Clymer manual from our website we’ll let you try one of our Online Manuals FREE for 14 days.

Our Online Manuals contain all of the same in-depth information as our print manuals, as well as wiring diagrams, color photos, troubleshooting guides, video tutorials for some of the more common jobs you’re likely to do on your vehicle and advanced search functionality to quickly locate whatever manual information you need to find.

What’s more, our Online Manuals can be streamed via any mobile device like smartphones, tablets and laptop computers!

When you buy any Haynes or Clymer print manual - whether it's for a car, motorcycle, atv or other piece of equipment - you’ll be sent an email with our free trial offer. To activate your free trial you need to follow the simple steps below:

  1. Go here
  2. Enter your access code
  3. Register or log into your Haynes account
  4. Enter your PIN!

It’s as simple as that. Click here to scroll through a demo version of one of our Online Manuals. Or watch the short video below to see their key features!

Note that 14-Day Free Trial Offer redemptions are for a limited time, so please consider redeeming yours in the weeks following your print manual purchase.

If you need support, try reading our FAQs /faqs first as this will often provide the answer to your question. If you need further help, please email us at

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