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Techforce Foundation and Haynes

Haynes and TechForce Foundation Work to Find Technicians of the Future

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Worldwide Leader in Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Manuals Announces Support for Industry-Wide Effort to Fuel the Next Generation of Mobility Technicians

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — April 10, 2019 — Haynes North America, Inc. has committed $50,000 in in-kind support of TechForce Foundation’s FutureTech Success campaign. With this commitment, Haynes has reaffirmed its support for the transportation technicians who keep America rolling, and hope to continue growing the technician career pipeline to meet the nation’s ever-increasing need for professional technicians.

Developed by leading educational nonprofit 501(c)(3) TechForce Foundation, the FutureTech Success campaign is an industry-wide initiative driving tomorrow’s workforce of technicians by inspiring, supporting and connecting middle and high-school students and their influencers with the resources necessary to support their technical education and career development.

“We are very excited to partner with TechForce on this important initiative. With our print and online manuals, as well as our new professional offering AllAccess, we hope to empower and motivate students to jump into an automotive career and continue to work with their hands,” said Reed Trueblood, Director of Marketing at Haynes North America, Inc. “Every manual is written from hands-on experience gained from a complete teardown and rebuild, which is the step-by-step procedure of dismantling and rebuilding a vehicle part-by-part. We hope to use these manuals to educate and spark the interest of future technicians.”

This partnership will help expand the FutureTech Success campaign’s efforts to provide resources and educational materials for aspiring technicians, their parents and educators alike. As the leader in automotive equipment repair, maintenance, and customization manuals, Haynes’s support for the campaign will be a catalyst for TechForce Foundation’s efforts to grow the industry’s talent pipeline by appealing to and reaching future technicians.

“Partnering with a company like Haynes gives students a unique perspective that narrows the focus on the hands-on aspect of the automotive trade,” said Jennifer Maher, CEO and Executive Director of TechForce Foundation. “We are excited to collaborate with Haynes to reframe the stigmas and motivate students to take their tinkering a little further into a career in the transportation industry.”

About Haynes North America, Inc.

Haynes, the world-leading publisher of automotive, motorcycle, marine and tractor repair content, is renowned for teaching millions of owners how to carry out routine maintenance and repairs. For almost 60 years, Haynes has been dismantling vehicles--and putting them back together again. Only in this unique 'hands on' way can Haynes provide authoritative and step-by-step information on both basic and complex tasks through print and online products. For more information, visit

About TechForce Foundation

TechForce Foundation is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) with the mission to champion students to and through their technical education and into careers as professional transportation technicians. The Foundation distributes more than $2.0 million in scholarships and grants annually, thanks to its generous corporate sponsors and donors, and is spearheading FutureTech Success®, the industry-wide initiative to help encourage and support more young people to pursue the vehicle technician profession. For more information, visit

Haynes North America, Inc. Contact:

Reed Trueblood,, 805-262-3354 or 805-794-4776

TechForce Foundation Contact:

Jennifer Maher,, 623-445-0933 or 602-550-0371


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