This Suzuki DL650 V-Strom4 Manual is 416 pages.
Chapter One / General Information
Manual organization / Warnings, cautions and notes / Safety / Serial numbers / Fasteners / Shop supplies / Tools / Measuring tools / Electrical system fundamentals / Service methods / Storage / Specifications Specs
Chapter Two / Troubleshooting
Starting the engine / Engine spark test / Engine performance / Electrical testing / Starting system / Engine noise / Motorcycle noise / Engine lubrication / Engine leakdown test / Clutch / Gearshift linkage and transmission / Brakes / Disc brake troubleshooting / Specifications Specs
Chapter Three / Lubrication, Maintenance and Tune-up
Periodic inspection / Tune-up / Air filter / Engine oil and filter / Idle speed adjustment / Spark plugs / Compression test / Ignition timing inspection / Brake system / Clutch / Fuel hose inspection / Emission control system / Throttle cables / Choke cable / Tires and wheels / Valve clearance / Lights and horn inspection / Sidestand switch and ignition cut-off system / Steering head bearing inspection / Front suspension inspection / Front fork oil change / Rear suspension inspection / Drive chain / Speedometer cable / Muffler / Fasteners / Specifications Specs
Chapter Four / Engine Top End
Exhaust system / Cylinder head cover / Rocker arm assemblies / Camshaft / Cylinder head / Valves / Cam chain tensioner / Cylinder / Piston, piston pin and piston rings / Specifications Specs
Chapter Five / Engine Lower End
Left crankcase cover / Starter idler gear and torque limiter / Flywheel alternator rotor and starter clutch / Right crankcase cover / Camshaft chain / Oil pump / Primary drive gear / Crankshaft ring nut / Crankcase / Countershaft seal / Crankcase bearings / Balancer assembly / Oil screen / Oil jet / Crankshaft / Break-in / Specifications Specs
Chapter Six / Clutch and Primary Drive Gear
Clutch / Clutch release mechanism / External shift mechanism / Clutch cable replacement / Specifications Specs
Chapter Seven / Transmission and Internal Shift Mechanism
Mainshaft / Countershaft / Transmission inspection / Shift drum and forks / Specifications Specs
Chapter Eight / Fuel and Emission Control System
Carburetor / Pilot screw / Carburetor float height / Throttle cables / Choke cable / Air box / Fuel tank / Fuel valve / Crankcase breather system / Evaporative emissions control system / Specifications Specs
Chapter Nine / Electrical System
Continuity testing guidelines / Electrical connectors / Negative battery terminal / Battery / Charging system / Alternator / Regulator/rectifier / Starting system / Starter / Starter relay / Ignition system / Ignition interlock system / Lighting system / Switches / Fuses / Specifications Specs
Chapter Ten / Cooling System
Oil cooler guard / Rear oil hose / Specifications Specs
Chapter Eleven / Wheels, Tires and Drive Chain
Front wheel / Rear wheel / Front and rear hubs / Rim and spoke service / Drive chain / Drive sprocket cover / Sprockets / Tire changing / Specifications Specs
Chapter Twelve / Front Suspension and Steering
Handlebar / Lower handlebar holders / Right handlebar grip replacement / Left handlebar grip replacement / Throttle grip replacement / Balancer weights / Front fork / Steering stem and head / Specification Specs
Chapter Thirteen / Rear Suspension
Shock absorber / Shock absorber linkage / Swing arm / Shock absorber adjustment / Specifications Specs
Chapter Fourteen / Brakes
Brake service / Front brake pads / Front brake caliper / Front master cylinder / Rear brake pads / Rear brake caliper / Rear master cylinder / Rear brake pedal / Brake system draining / Brake system bleeding / Brake disc / Specifications Specs
Chapter Fifteen / Body
Side covers / Seat / Headlight cowl / Footpegs / Front fender / Rear fender extension / Rear rack / Passenger grip / Rear fender / Inner Rear fender / Specifications Specs
Color Wiring Diagrams
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Clymer Manuals Suzuki DL650 V-Strom Manual