Complete coverage for your Carburettor
The definitive DIY manual on automotive carburettors.
Covers theory, specifications, fault diagnosis, repairs and service adjustments on the following carburettors:, Ford Motorcraft 1V and Variable Venturi (VV), Pierburg 1B1, 1B3, 2B5, 2B6, 2B7, 2BE, 2E2 and 2E3, Pierburg (Solex) PDSI and PIC-7, Solex BIS, EEIT, PBISA, SEIA, Z1, Z10 and Z11, Weber DARA, DFT, DFTH, DFTM, DGAV, DIR, DMTE, DMTL, DRT, DRTC, IBSH, ICEV, ICH, ICT, TL, TLA, TLDE, TLDR, TLDM, TLF, TLM and TLP