As Python becomes the most popular language to learn at UK primary schools* after English, Haynes has this month published the Coding Manual to help people understand this essential skill for today and the future.
Working with Python, the manual provides all the know-how to become a great programmer. This comprehensive guide introduces the tools, terms and concepts that take readers from a beginner to an experienced developer.
Packed full of simple explanations and step-by-step guides to ease readers through the features of the Python programming language, the Coding Manual provides everything that’s needed to write code in the real world.
Author of our new Coding Manual, Mike Saunders, says: “Programming has previously been seen as ‘something geeks do’ but thanks to Code Clubs and the popularity of Raspberry Pi, which has just sold over 10m units, lots of people are learning to code now as it’s become so much more accessible.”
Code may look like mysterious black magic at first glance, but with Python it's quite easy to work out what's going on. Even if you've never written a line of Python in your life, you can probably guess what some short code snippets do. As an example, we've prepared a short test. Look at the following five bits of code and try to work out what they do!