Even if you feel daunted by some of the bigger car repair procedures and would rather leave those to a professional, there are still quite a few simple weekly checks you can do that don’t require special tools.
One of these is checking your wiper blades and recognising when they need to be replaced. Simple checks like these can help you spot problems before they turn into more serious trouble, ultimately saving you money.
How to check the condition of your wiper blades
Buying new wiper blades
If you’re on a tight budget you can buy wiper blade ‘refills’, which means just the rubber, but to fit these you’ll need to dismantle the blade, and this can be very fiddly. It’s advisable to renew the whole blade because the springs that hold the blade against the glass weaken with age.
You can buy new wiper blades from most car accessory shops, and from authorised car dealership parts departments. When you go to buy new blades you’ll need to know the make, model, and the year of manufacture of your car.