Trust takes a long time to earn but only an instant to lose. It’s an old saying but it’s as true today as ever. And trust is something we at Haynes take extremely seriously indeed, because we are always acutely aware that by purchasing a manual for your vehicle from us, you have placed your faith in the information we provide.
And the fact that we take it so seriously is clear from the reviews you’re leaving us on Trustpilot. We have an average rating of 4.0 stars on Trustpilot, and a full 79% of you rate our products as either ‘Excellent’ or ‘Great’. We’ll take that, and we’ll keep working to ensure that our star rating only goes up.
Our ratings comes from people who ‘get’ what we do, and who make full use of our manuals, both online and in printed form. People such as…

Dennis Adamson
Dennis Adamson likes to know what he’s getting. So that’s why he drives a stalwart of the world’s roads in the shape of the Volkswagen Jetta. Or maybe it’s a Golf. He doesn’t specify. Whichever it is, it has tried and trusted oily bits that have been put through their paces by millions of drivers around the world.
Tried and trusted, but not infallible. And that’s where Haynes comes in, because our Jetta/Golf manual was able to help Dennis replace a number of worn-out parts on his car.
So, when his fuel injectors, water pump and sump reached the end of their respective roads, he used his manual to replace them, and it’s fair to say he’s a fan. “I absolutely love it,” says Dennis. Can’t say more than that.

Mikey is a reliable sort of chap. And he also likes his car to be dependable, which is why he chose a Honda Civic as his daily driver.
He also wanted something dependable on the days when he had to repair the odd glitch on his Civic, so came to Haynes.
Mike says: “I recently purchased a Haynes Manual, and I must say, it's an invaluable resource for anyone wanting to understand the intricacies of their vehicle.
“Having used Haynes manuals in the past, I feel confident in the reliability of the information they provide. This book is detailed and user-friendly, making it easy to reference when tackling maintenance or repair tasks. Overall, it's a trustworthy companion for any car enthusiast or everyday driver.”
Thanks, Mikey!

Wayne Howell
Wayne’s a bit of a traditionalist. Not for him are the new-fangled ideas of electronic ignition or electric seat adjustments. Stability control? Nope – drive slower. Not that that’s an issue, because Wayne’s pride and joy is a Morris Minor.
And as any fan of classic motoring will attest, cars that have reached a certain vintage tend to require coddling and care. And constant adjustment.
So, it’s just as well that Waynes has invested in a Haynes Manual for his Minor.
And he’s already a fan: “It's an awesome manual and nothing less than brilliant from Haynes as usual.”
We have a feeling the manual is going to get plenty of use, so we’re glad you like it, Wayne!

Use Haynes, then tell Trustpilot all about us
Yes, setting out on your first car repair task can feel a bit intimidating, but there really is no need to feel that way.
Cars tend to only come apart one way, and go back together in the reverse order, so it’s pretty straightforward. Just make sure you have the right information (your Haynes Manual), tools and parts before you start, and you’ll be absolutely fine.