If you have a VW Passat Mk6, Haynes can help you keep it moving for much less than you’d spend at a garage. How? Well, we can save you a whole load of cash on running your car by showing you just how to do it yourself.
Keeping your Passat in tip-top health is actually pretty easy, and you’ll have not only the financial benefit of not shelling out for garage labour charges, but also the satisfaction of doing it yourself.
We can tell you about VW Passat B6 common problems, and then give you a step-by-step guide to fixing them. It’s a win-win – you need only invest in us once, and we’ll save you money every single time you need to do anything to your car.
What recalls has the VW Passat been subject to?
VW has had to recall the Passat Mk6 a few times, but not too often.
One recall concerned the passenger-side airbag, because its inflator could break in a crash, dispersing debris into the interior of the vehicle. Not good.
In addition, more than 43,000 examples were recalled because water could get into the wiper motor. Not ideal in a component designed to work when the rain starts. Dealers were instructed to fit a cap over the motor.
Some Mk6 models with the 2.0 TDI engine fitted were recalled because their high-pressure fuel pipes were the wrong specification, and needed anti-vibration weights added.
And some Mk6 models with the dual-clutch gearbox fitted were recalled for a software update to prevent loss of drive. Finally, a faulty dual-mass flywheel required replacement because it caused a lot of vibration and rough running.
However, that's most of the recalls (aside from the ‘dieselgate’ affair), which is a pretty low number.

What common problems does the Volkswagen Passat have?
There have been reports of the Passat Mk6 suffering an issue in which the engine fails to respond to inputs from the accelerator pedal, and it can be the pedal itself at fault. The diesel-engined Passat is also known to emit a rattle from under the bonnet. No, this isn’t just an old diesel engine, it’s a faulty right-hand engine support, which needs to be replaced.
Numerous diesel models have also suffered a leak of oil from the oil filter, which is due to a faulty oil filter housing and cover.
And the electronic parking brake is not without a glitch – it sometimes illuminates for no reason.
There have been squeaky noises from under the bonnet upon start-up, and some models emit a humming noise from underneath when cornering.

Why won't your VW Passat accelerate?
Yes, sometime the engine can fail to respond to accelerator inputs. In essence, the driver puts their foot down and nothing happens. At the same time, the electronic power control (EPC) warning light illuminates.
Using a fault code reader, the fault is usually traced to faulty accelerator pedal connections, but if these connections are found to be intact, then the pedal assembly itself is at fault.
Fortunately, removal and replacement are covered fully in the relevant Haynes Passat manual and Autofix.

Are the engine mounts in your VW Passat Mk6 rattly?
Some owners have reported that their cars generate a rattling sound from under the bonnet when on the move.
This noise has been traced to a faulty right-hand engine mounting bracket, which allows the engine to move more than it should, and when it shouldn’t be!
The good news is that swapping an engine mount is a pretty straightforward procedure, which can easily be carried out at home. And of course, we’ve covered it in depth in your Haynes Passat manual and Autofix. Don’t be afraid – we’ve got your back.
Does the VW Passat Mk6 have oil-leak problems?
Oil forming a puddle underneath your car is never a good look, but that’s what some Passat Mk6 owners have seen their vehicles doing.
The problem lies with a faulty oil filter housing or oil filter cover. The first thing to do is check the part numbers: if the oil filter cover is part number OE: 045 115 433 D, then the oil filter cover needs to be replaced. If the Oil filter housing is part number OE: 045 115 389 J, then that’s the part that needs to be replaced.
But worry not, because we’ve already done it, and show you how to do it in the Haynes Passat manual and Autofix. Just follow the steps and you’ll be good to go.
Why not change the oil and filter at the same time, by following our free video here.
Does the VW Passat have parking brake problems?
The electronic parking brake on the Volkswagen Passat Mk6 sometimes illuminates when it shouldn’t.
If you plug in a fault-code reader, there will be two possible fault codes: 02845 and 0B1D. These will let you know that the electronic parking brake control unit is where the fault lies.
This unit must be replaced, which entails removal of the centre console and front seat, which sounds complicated but is in fact very easy indeed.
Just look up the relevant section in your Haynes Passat manual and Autofix and you’ll be away.

Is that squeak from the VW Passat engine expensive?
It must be a little disconcerting to start your VW Passat and hear a squeaking noise from somewhere ahead of you, but that’s what some owners have reported.
Contact between the starter motor pinion and the starter ring is what causes the issue, and the solution involves lubrication of the starter motor pinion, then manually turning the engine clockwise and lubricating the starter ring, before reassembling the whole lot.
Again, the removal and replacement of the starter is a procedure cover in detail in the Haynes Passat manual and Autofix, so there’s no reason to put off the job.
Does the VW Passat Mk6 have humming problems?
Yes, there have been reports of the VW Passat Mk6 emitting a humming noise from underneath when going around corners.
The source of the problem is gearbox oil that has degraded.
Sorting the issue is simply and issue of removing the lower engine cover, then draining and refilling the gearbox oil (always make sure you can remove the refill plug before you drain the oil!).
The Haynes Passat manual and Autofix show you how to replace the gearbox oil, so it should present no problem.

Why is your VW Passat making a rattling noise from up front?
How very annoying. You start up your Passat and there’s a rattling noise from somewhere under the bonnet.
A closer inspection reveals that the issue is coming from the area of the air-conditioning compressor. The problem is play between the shaft and the pulley. So, you’ll need to have the air-con system drained by a professional, then follow the procedure to remove and replace the air-conditioning compressor.
After that, have the system refilled by a professional and you’ll be good to go, with no sign of a rattle.